Monday, January 17, 2011

The History of Us

"She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue." Prov.31:26


Although it's a school holiday I wanted to take some time to share about school. There are public schools, private schools, charter schools, home schools, schools on-line, and no matter which school that you've chosen for your family, you are involved in school somewhere.

Growing up I never predicted that I would be involved in home education. It really wasn't until a chance meeting with a friend that I discovered home education. My son was ready to learn at an early age, so when a couple friends organized a science day between a few families I was interested. My friend ignited a spark in me that never burned out. With my husband's support and his tireless ability to raise a family on one income, we have almost reached the end of our journey.

Today we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. A historical hero with dreams, an amazing gift of verbosity, compassion and aspiration for equality. I know that now, but I wasn't much of a history buff back in the day. Home education  completely changed that. A History of Us is a 10-volume series that makes history really fun! It was easy to purchase used copies on-line.

The chapters are short, yet satisfying. We enjoy the political cartoons, photographs, easy-reading style, and personality profiles. We keep a separate notebook to write essays in, homemade crossword puzzles, drawings and vocabulary.

The time I've spent watching my children learn and grow into young adults has been priceless. If you're like me, it's hard to list most of the material things you've gone without. They don't matter. What matters is the history of us- the memories, the tears, the a-ha moments, the laughter, the late nights, the revisions, and the stories. Our story, as part of His Story.

As you take a break from classes today I pray that you'll learn something new about yourself and your students. I pray your eyes would be wide open to the amazing places, time, and people around you. Just think, tomorrow, today will be history.

Swinging with you,

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